Web Design

CLICK SIDE ARROWS - Celebrity Florist Jeff Leatham - Art Direction and design at SimplyMint, NYC

Florist Jeff Leathem

CLICK SIDE ARROWS - Tribeca, NYC Real Estate. Made @ SimplyMint, NYC

Real Estate website based in NYC

CLICK SIDE ARROWS - Paintzen - Graphic Designer @ Marching Ant

Paintzen - Graphic Designer @ Marching Ant

Paintzen - Graphic Designer @ Marching Ant

Paintzen - Graphic Designer @ Marching Ant

Paintzen - Graphic Designer @ Marching Ant

Paintzen - Graphic Designer @ Marching Ant

Paintzen - Graphic Designer @ Marching Ant

CLICK SIDE ARROWS - Rapper Stickz Greenz. Made @ SimplyMint, NYC

Stickz Greenz Rapper - Art Director, Designer @ SimplyMint, NYC

Stickz Greenz Rapper - Art Director, Designer @ SimplyMint, NYC

Stickz Greenz Rapper - Art Director, Designer @ SimplyMint, NYC

Stickz Greenz Rapper - Art Director, Designer @ SimplyMint, NYC

CLICK SIDE ARROWS - Potatopia Fast Food, NYC - Art Director, Designer @ SimplyMint, NYC

CLICK SIDE ARROWS - Popcorn for the People - Art Director @ Simplymint

Popcorn for the People - Art Director @ Simplymint

Popcorn for the People - Art Director @ Simplymint

Popcorn for the People - Art Director @ Simplymint

Popcorn for the People - Art Director @ Simplymint

Popcorn for the People - Art Director @ Simplymint

Popcorn for the People - Art Director @ Simplymint

Popcorn for the People - Art Director @ Simplymint

CLICK SIDE ARROWS - Gourmet Caviar Company. Made @ Simply Mint

CLICK SIDE ARROWS - Tailor-made Engagement Ring Company. Made @ SimplyMint